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Basic Policy against
Anti-Social Forces

GLOSAL PTE. LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") shall not have any relationship with antisocial forces (hereinafter referred to as "antisocial forces") and shall respond to them in accordance with the following basic policy (hereinafter referred to as "GLOSAL") has made it clear that it has no relationship whatsoever with antisocial forces (hereinafter referred to as "antisocial forces") and will respond in accordance with the following basic policy

1. Exclusion of Transactions with Anti-Social Forces


In principle, the Company shall not engage in any transactions with antisocial forces, and shall establish clauses in contracts and other documents to assure that it does not engage in transactions with antisocial forces. In the event that a business partner is found to be an anti-social force, we will immediately terminate the transaction.

2. Response to Requests from Anti-Social Forces


The Company shall firmly reject any unreasonable demands or harassment from antisocial forces. If necessary, we will deal with such demands in cooperation with the police, lawyers, and other specialized agencies.

3. Prohibition of Provision of Funds to Anti-Social Forces


We shall ensure that no funds are provided to antisocial forces. In addition, we will not donate to or sponsor any organizations or activities in which antisocial forces are involved.

4. Identification of Relationships with Anti-Social Forces


We will regularly investigate and confirm our business partners and employees to ensure that they have no relationship with antisocial forces. If any relationship with antisocial forces is discovered, we will promptly take appropriate measures.

5. Establishment of an Organizational Response System


The Company shall establish an organized response system by clarifying the responsible persons and contact points for dealing with antisocial forces. We will also educate and enlighten our employees to enhance their ability to deal with antisocial forces.

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